Final Fantasy 7 (Not my favourite, but it got the series noticed)
Zelda: Link's Awakening
Doom (Genuinely frightening at the time, and it still is if you play it in the dark with the headphones all the way up)
Silent Hill
metal slug 5. that's cool but what the heck? Metal Slug is a 2d game so why should they make a new part NOW?
I also thought Metal Slug X = Metal Slug Ten
This is what the X stands for. Strange. If you have any informations about that new part please post an URL or something else here (I am really wondering if it's gonna be 3d)
1. Eternal Daughter (Very well done and fun)
2. Lost Valley (The truly epic Klik game)
1. Gunner 3 (Lot's of weapons, kinda fun)
2. Furry (Very fun but needs more variety)
3. Douglas Circumstance (Fun, but hard)
4. Fishhead 3 (Looks great but levels are repetitive)
5. Red Feud (Awesome game, but loses to Eternal Daughter)
6. The Shima Bros. (Great game that fails at some points)
Classics I dont like much:
1. Entrance Gate (Too fast, too repetitive)
2. Zone Runner 1 & 2 (sorry Circy, too difficult for me)