I am trying to make my own version of notepad with an edit object. When i save text file via file selector, it will save, but the file will not open because its file type is file. is there a way to fix this, or will I have to use some other kind of text thing?
The "Save Via Selector" doesnt require you to enter a filter, that's only if you use the Dialog object. The Edit object automatically has Text Files as the default extension type. Unfortunately this doesnt automatically add that extension to the end of the file name if the user hasnt specified it him/herself.
So, if you want it to do that, I suggest upgrading to MMF and using the Dialog object to create your own Save window. You can then use the result of that, along with the regular "Save Text File" action, to create the result you're after.
If you cant upgrade to MMF, then you're going to have to remember to enter the file type each time instead of leaving it up to the application
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Yea...I figured that out an hour ago, when I was trying different things. Now, I've ran into another obstacle. How do you make an edit object do the "Word Wrap" of the Notepad?
What exactly isnt working? If it isnt wrapping to the next line, make sure you turned OFF BOTH the H-AUTOSCROLL and H-SCROLLBAR options, and you have turned ON the MULTILINE option, and optionally the V-AUTOSCROLL AND V-SCROLLBAR options as well.
If you have done this and it still isnt working, then you can upload an example of what you're doing. I dont have TGF installed ATM, but I can check it with MMF. As far as I know it shouldnt make a difference if I'm using MMF or TGF since it calls the same Windows DLL.
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
yea, it won't make a difference. www.angelfire.com/hero/mud/Tarder_Sauce_Notepad.zip is the file. If it doesn't work, either right click and select save as, copy&, or tell me and I'll email it to you. The choice is yours.
And Assault Andy, I did look over it again, nothing worked right. That is why I decided to upload it so someone coult take a look.