Ive been thinking about his for a while. Upon releasing Skelletor for the Halloween competition last year, I always had a plan that Id release a version which wasnt held down by time limits, released in its intended form. Now the question comes to mind, should I re-release Skelletor DX, which would include another world, additional levels, bosses between the levels, sound effects, and a screen size selection OR create a whole new sequal which would most likely incude a refined engine and graphics plus much what you see above.
Most people (unless they think skelletor is a total pile of rubbish OR have never heard of skelletor, or me for that fact) would say make a sequal, you twat. But the thing is Im not sure theres enough material to work with if I were to make a whole new game, unless ofcourse I changed the format entirely.
Ive got no plans as of yet, Im held down a bit with work on 'Captain Baz' ( http://www.natomic.com/topic.asp?id=20334 ) but, like I said, I wanted to release the game as I originall intended it, but I people prefer a sequal than Im open to ideas and suggestions.
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
It was just a vote. I know better than to expect anyone here to know how to spell.
Normally, I would have voted sequel, but "refining" the engine and graphics will probably be a lot of work, compared to just using what you've already got. I mean, the bosses might take some time, but building some more levels shouldn't be too time-consuming, compared to making a new game. I mean, if it was for a contest, it was probably a little rushed, so just finish it up and you'll probably have a decent game. Start a sequel, and... you'll have a lot of work ahead that you might not feel like finishing down the road.
Hah, both? at the same time? Your correct though. If the deluxe was a success than hopefully a sequal would be in order, but in the meantime I only want one or the other. The only thing about a deluxe version would be if people got angry because they were playing the same game.
I think Ive come to the conclusion that a deluxe would be the best option, thanks lads!
If you've got any other reason why a deluxe would be the wrong option than speak now!
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'