people say laptops arnt powerful, i got me a 3.06Ghz P4 with Hyperthreading, the only machine ive seen to clearly surpass it are G5's (just going off how fast it is to render Premier footage and boot up Photoshop)... meh
I moved from a P2 laptop to a shiny new P4 2.4GHz desktop. The difference amazed me, and I was immensely impressed that it started up UnrealEd within ten seconds. Great.
Well, it depends on your lifestyle, if your a journalist on business travel, obiviusly a laptop is suitable, but if you are a computer graphics artist a desktop is a good idea probably cuz you won't be on your computer away from home.
Bottom line:
If your doing anything important and requires more then a keyboard, desktop.
If your looking to chat on MSN or write a few doc's, laptop (but a cheap, crappy old computer is recommended.)
But if you have an ac adapter or whatever the bwickles they're called and a mouse, a laptop is just as good as a desktop, but you get less bang for your buck if you don't mind slight bulkiness.
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.