Hey there, ive just finished off the first userguide to creating iPublish 2004 plugins. iPublish 2004 is the logcal successor to the original iPublish (Which got very good ratings accross many sites in the click community) It was also probabily the first multimedia fusion application to use the idea of "plugins" and its own extensibility system.
Well, a few months after the original release, theres a new version (iPublish 2004) which is in the works. Using a much better plugin engine as well as new methods of extending the interface.
A special version is available called iPublish 2004 :: Sandbox available at:
These packages contain a cut down developer-only release of iPublish 2004. Inside it is also a folder called "iPublish 2004 SDK" this contains documentation, samples and graphics libraries to help you develop your first and subsequent plugins.
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I hope to see many new plugins soon , feel free to also post your work in progresses and betas for testing. Help will also be given directly from me and other developers on the forum. So dont be afraid to ask