CassataGames is hosting a competition celebrating the release of Diamond: Enter The New Dimension! The competition is were you can make levels with the level editor that comes free with Diamond & the best level wins!
Here are the rules:
All levels must have some sort of boundry around the level.
Levels must be possable to beat without losing a life, even if it means its extremly hard!
Levels must be sumbitted within 1 week of this post (July 10th).
Send all levels to
Levels must be zipped & submitted before the 10th.
1st- 30 DC Points
2nd- 20 DC Points
3rd- 10 DC Points
4rth & Under- The wonderful feeling of knowing that you tried!
Another thing I want to kind of make clear is that when you submit the level, please include your DC name so that if you do win, you will recieve the points you deserved. You can also submit as many levels as you want, but you can only win once! You cant win 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place & get 60 DC points, no, doesnt work that way, even though you may wish it did. The reasion I'm letting you submit as many as you want is because, incase you made a level, submitted it, but then created a better one, you can basicly submit them all, for show off reasions or for basicly raising your chances of winning. I also want to make clear that the winners will be placed on my website in the Diamond section for download, I will add a piece of encrypted data that will ensure that noone can take & clame it as there own. Winners will also be placed in this topic for other DC people to admire, but again, the encrypted code will be added to avoid people from steeling the level & calling it there own.