Where did Clickteam hide those automatic animations from TGF? Where's resize zoom, rotate (an object as an animation), and morph in MMF's animation editor?
"Omg. Where did they get the idea to not use army guys? Are they taking drugs?" --Tim Schafer on originality in videogames
The morphing editor is on the vertical tool bar (on the left side). To ativate it, have your animation editor open, select two picture frames, and the button to open up the morpher should pop up. The other functions you're seeking in MMF are in the tools/view menus (don't tell me you don't explore menus when you get a new program! That's the most important part of learning!) in the picture editor. Or if you want to rotate the object and all of it's internal images and animations you can go to the frame editor, select the object, and using the eight dots around the object you should be able to resize and possibly rotate it. (rotation could be in just the right click menu) However, be warned, and this could be an issue in all Click programs. If you're looking to rotate an object it could very well cause your program to jump to a monsterous file size. (One of my games jumped from a couple megs to over 50 just by spinning around a four animation frame wavey lava active object)
Looking over your post again, I just read it a different way.
Are you asking "Where did Clickteam put the tools that make automatically generate zoomed, resized, etc... animations that were in TGF?" (I wasn't aware TGF had those functions)
In TGF, if you right-clicked a frame, you could tell it to automatically create an animation by resizing it to a specified size for a certain number of frames or rotate it for 4, 8, 16, or 32 frames. Where are these features in MMF?
"Omg. Where did they get the idea to not use army guys? Are they taking drugs?" --Tim Schafer on originality in videogames
I used to use tGF, then CnC, a long time ago, and when editing an animation, you could right click a frame, and go to "resize" or "rotate" and create a resizing or rotating animation. What I mean by this is, you can choose how many frames it takes to do so, and it would automatically create the frames for you, rather than manually having to rotate it. It was very handy, I was in fact trying to do so today and couldn't find the option, which was really rather annoying.
The way I do it now is to create an alpha channel object with the extension, and use that as the sprite, and handle resizing and rotating in the event editor. Doesn't take up as much memory as pre-storing the rotated frames did, but getting used to using an Alpha channel object instead of an active object can be a bit of a pain, as it's handled really quite differently. Still, I'd reccomend learning to use these as these are closer to the way sprites are done in proper coded games, and there are a tonne more options in them.
The option's still there, but it was moved to the vertical toolbar on the left of the MMF window. Select the frame and click the 'Insert Animation' option on the toolbar.
Ah, that's done me a good favour. Thanks for the help.
I love MMF and all it's 100x better than CnC and everything but they didn't have to re-arrange everything so much, heh. Here's hoping MMF 2.0 will keep most of MMF 1.5's layout.