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Jon & George Lambert's deviantART
Author: Jon Lambert Submitted: 06 2008
Hits: 2606  

I made a deviantART account a while back and couldn't think of anything to submit. In the meantime, I started working on a trading card game, and came up with the amazing idea to make and submit a card as my first submission. If you want to see what the cards look like, go there.

If you like them, I can make cards of you or for you. To make you one, I'll need to have this information.

Character Name
Whether you want 1 or 2 attacks
Attack, Defense, and Speed Stats not totaling more than 25
One of the following types: Flame, Frost, Plant, Earth, Aqua, Air, Toxic, Light, Dark, Beast, Deviant (for deviantART), or TDC (for The Daily Click)
One of the following affiliations: Peaceful, Evil, Neutral, Deviant, Klik
One of the following races: Human, Canine, Feline, Rodent, Avian, Reptile, Insect, Mythic, Ghost, Demon, Undead, Anomaly, Kliker, Deviant
HP stat no greater than 200
A quote for the bottom of the card

For each attack, I need:
Attack turn only, defense turn only, or both
Damage (or recovery) points no greater than 100
Physical or special (special are denoted by green text)
One of the following effects: Poison, Freeze, Sleep, Burn, Wound, Recover

I will also need a picture. The native resolution for the picture is 144 x 108. If you submit a picture larger or smaller than that, you will need to specify whether or not you want it resized automatically. Small pictures will have white on the right and underneath.

Finally, you will need to specify whether you want the type's native symbol, the deviantART logo, or the TDC mascot Mitch underneath the attacks.

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