New Article: #k&p |
News posted 5th January, 2002 by Rikus
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Nobu wrote a very well written article on how to connect to the live chat channel #k&p. Here is a small bit of his article: Hello everybody. This is my first article here at the Daily Click and I think I want to make this article a helpful one to all the newbies and people alike who still haven't been to the so-called 'heart' of the community known as the channel #k&p. First of all, some of you might be wondering things like, "What is this channel?" and "How do I get here?". Perhaps you're still stuck at "What the heck IS a channel?" and "What is #k&p"? Well, for starters, #k&p is a chatroom where the people (are supposed) to talk about Klik. Click here to read the full article.
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