The Daily Click ::. News

The Daily Click Community Project
News posted 16th July, 2010 by OMC  
The buzz around town has been all about how we don't see many click groups with big projects much anymore. Well, along with the Super Glory Competition (and a few secrets we have cooking), maybe there's another way to kick some TDC back into gear.

What's this magical potion of profound wonders?

A community project. We'd like to organize a team with dedicated and skilled TDC members to make a great game. There will have to be structure if it's ever going to be finished, but that doesn't automatically mean it will be controlled by the dreadfully evil TDC admins. You may very well end up being the project lead!

Right now we're gathering some information to see what the best direction to move in is (and if there are enough interested!). If you've got some time, and the idea of an epic TDC game is interesting, run over to the survey we've set up and fill it out. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to DC Mail me or post in the forum thread here.

Click here to fill out the survey


Posted by Blue66 16th July, 2010

Just out of curiosity, are there any great games out there made by large community groups? I think it would be quite interesting to see how those projects turned out in the past

Anyone knows a link?
Posted by Knockturnal 16th July, 2010
Wait, :<

I might be interested, but I wont sign up before someone has an idea though...
Posted by No 16th July, 2010

meh, I like the spontaneous group projects that form in gwerdy. This feels a bit forced. But hey if this is successful I'd be happily wrong,
Posted by Pixelthief 16th July, 2010

Let me posit it right now:

If this is going to be done, it will need to be a very, very small scoped game to get off the ground. For example, a minigame collection- we've done it before, and it could be done agai
Posted by Knockturnal 16th July, 2010

I agree with pixelthief, we could do something bigger, but if we want success easily on this collab I think something like minigames would, quite honestly, be our best shot.
Posted by OMC 16th July, 2010

Small is a good start. Who knows, it could grow bigger once a groove is made. And this doesn't have to be the last TDC community project.

Specific ideas are later.
Posted by Knockturnal 16th July, 2010

"And this doesn't have to be the last TDC community project."

God? Is that you?
Posted by UrbanMonk 16th July, 2010

mini games sound fun, no promises from me though, I get myself in trouble with those!
Posted by Watermelon876 16th July, 2010

I'm in favor of an RPG as I made a quick RPG engine a while back and it wasn't too hard. Except for just adding all the story elements and such.
Posted by Muz 16th July, 2010

I don't agree with a mini game compilation. There's no teamwork needed at all for those. There's not much point to making a group if you're going to aim small. And not many really play mini-games.

Just go medium-sized. I think people need a little practice with actually working as a group before they can do a group project. There's a balance between contributing nothing and hogging all the glory.. a balance between no leadership and being a dictator. You need some actual teamworking experience to get that balance, so probably aim for an above average difficulty project which needs some teamwork.
Posted by UrbanMonk 17th July, 2010


This "team" project is doomed to remain in the planning stages it seems.

I'll sit back and see how this turns out, hope I'm wrong.
Posted by OMC 17th July, 2010

The idea this time around is to prevent that from happening by having certain people designing, certain people drawing, and certain people coding. Ideas can be shared, but in the end it's the project leaders that decide.
Posted by aphant 17th July, 2010

"This "team" project is doomed to remain in the planning stages it seems."

Please don't tell me you expected everyone to have jumped on board, figured out what to do, and gotten to work on something in ONE DAY? I can't stress that last part enough; The news post was literally made yesterday.
Posted by Liquixcat 17th July, 2010

If you want this to work, here is quick insight.

1. Pick a team leader IMMEDIATELY

2. Team leader decides out of those interested who helps.

3. Team leader doesn't act like a little bish and actually puts people to work.

4. PEOPLE WORK!!!!!!

5. Game complete

These anonymous group projects always fail as step 1 is never fully completed....

Oh, and for the love of god.....Don't make an RPG
Comment edited by Liquixcat on 7/17/2010
Posted by OMC 17th July, 2010

Who said the project was anonymous?

Next step is to post the results of the survey and decide on the team leader(s) and roles. That will probably happen tomorrow.
Posted by MasterM 19th July, 2010

closed already hm?
Posted by OMC 20th July, 2010

Yep, didn't want to drag it out too long. But you can post your opinion in the thread.


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