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New Download: A Man With A Monocle
News posted 26th July, 2010 by OMC  
The day has come! The project started by Johnny Look around a year ago to help with TDC's server funds is finally complete!

A Man With A Monocle is, in a word, charming (as one might expect from a game starring a man and his monocle). Your name is Henry McAllister, and you've become lost in the mountains. You'll find help in an unexpected place and a mysterious adventure that comes along with it. Take to mountains, caves, and more in search of answers to this new riddle.

"This game features, among other things, an interesting and unpredictable story, some challenging old-school platforming action, a truly absorbing soundtrack composed by Johan Hargne and many different and interesting locations full of secrets and shortcuts. The full version also includes a level editor."

AMWAM was coded in C++ using SDL. You can buy the full game for $9.99, 30% of which will go to TDC toward server costs.

Click here to download the A Man With A Monocle Demo.

Posted by OMC 26th July, 2010

And in the comments, I will say thanks for extending help in such an interesting way!
Posted by NeoMonkey 26th July, 2010

Huoh... Game has sale price of 9,99$ and it has a direct copy of sonics trampoline in it? Legal?

Movement and jumping is stiff, character jams on walls, you rip your head of before one line of text appears on screen which can't be skipped and the game is all about jumping, it would be nice to have shooting or something... And more like run through the game...

Sorry , but not my type of game.
Posted by Cecilectomy 26th July, 2010

"and it has a direct copy of sonics trampoline in it? Legal?" - what are you talking about? its similar but FAR from a direct copy.

i wish there was more to do than just collect stuff, and jump on things. power ups? enemies that do different things? unless i didnt play far enough into the demo, or the demo has none of those things.

10$ is far to much for what it is (at least what the demo makes it out to be so far)

would make good freeware or pay-what-you-want-ware.
Posted by Watermelon876 26th July, 2010

What's SDL?
Posted by Johnny Look 27th July, 2010

Thanks for the frontpage post !

NeoMonkey: Direct copy of sonic's trampoline ? I must be missing something, that's the side view of a rather generic spring that you can find in countless other platformers, specially 16 bit ones.
"character jams on walls" could you be a bit more specific on what happens and how exactly ? None of the testers (or me) found any bug like that, so if it exists I would like to fix it.
Also on the "the game is all about jumping" and "more like run through the game" comments, that's why the genre of the game is called "jump 'n run". Though I do think there is more to this game than just running and jumping.
I can understand it's not your type of game, but still I appreciate your criticism.

Cecil: Well the demo does get more interesting by the end, though no power ups.

The focus on the game isn't all put in the platforming elements, I can't stress this enough.

People playing this game expecting a truly amazing platformer will be disappointed because that's not what it is and it never was my goal. It's an adventure game with platforming sections. There is a mood and a story, it's not just about running and jumping.
Perhaps the demo doesn't convey this idea well, but it's impossible for the player to know how the game is exactly only by playing the demo, let alone if he didn't finish it.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I think you missed the point of the game.

Watermelon876: It's a all in one C and C++ library for graphics, input and sound.
Posted by NeoMonkey 27th July, 2010

1. Doing a small jump on small object, for example worm. You are above the enemy and still you get damage.

2. Pressing jump makes small jump and keeping it long time will do higher jump. Now it looks like it get jetpack boost in the middle of the jump... Also it feels stiff.

3. And the jamming what i meant is the fact that character bounces on walls. I am thinking are you even using pmo or is this horrible fastloop + 4 detectors...

And really the game launches too slowly the text. I ould go and make a cup of tea in the time which the game takes in showing the first 4 lines of text.

And in my opinion the demo doesn't give anything interesting about the story to the player.

Althought the athmosfear as you said is good. The game sounds great and graphics look nice. Still I think it is too sloppy coded... No offence
Posted by Cecilectomy 27th July, 2010

"I am thinking are you even using pmo or is this horrible fastloop + 4 detectors... "

read the post neomonkey. this wasnt made in mmf. it was coded in c++ using SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) Library.
Posted by Phredreeke 27th July, 2010

Posted by Johnny Look 27th July, 2010

Neomonkey: You can speed up the text by pressing the Run key. By the way like Cecil said the game wasn't made using MMF2. Thanks for the bug reports and criticism on the character movement. btw no offense taken
Posted by NeoMonkey 27th July, 2010

Ah that tells then a lot. Forgive my rudeness.
Posted by Phredreeke 27th July, 2010

Posted by Johnny Look 27th July, 2010

Hey no problem neomonkey
Posted by Watermelon876 28th July, 2010

Thanks for telling me about SDL.
Posted by Johnny Look 29th July, 2010

You're welcome.
Posted by No 31st July, 2010

I payed 7 dollars for left for dead. So this must be better than left for dead O_o
Posted by Johnny Look 31st July, 2010

Some people donated to this site more than 7$ and received nothing other than a frontpage post with their names on, so I'm sure that frontpage post is worth more than Left4dead, right ?

btw wasn't left4dead priced at 45$ at the release ?

anyway, you don't like the price or the game, don't buy it. I'm not forcing anyone into doing anything. If anything I'm trying to help.


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