New Download (And Job Opportunity): Asunder Demo |
News posted 19th December, 2010 by OMC
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 Crazy mastermind Pixelthief's latest doomsday device is Asunder, a topsy turvy engine with mind-boggling time control powers and which appears to be fully functional! The goods to show you are over on the downloads page in the form of a demo. It may very well be, a beaker, full of awesome. /Star Trek reference
Download the Asunder demo here.
But hang on for just one minute longer. Goodly Mr. Pixelthief needs a graphics man! Over on the TIGSource forums he's posted looking for a professional artist interested in collaborating on a commercial project that uses this engine. Come on, you always wanted to make the next Minecraft.
If you can make graphics to match the coding, click here to go to the thread for details.
Click here to visit the Asunder Project Page.