Hey everyone, sorry it's taken so long to finish the judging, but we are now finally at a position to announce the results of the competition!
Twelve games were submitted, and all entries received were of a decent standard and showed the capabilities of the Clickteam products. Speaking of whom, I, on behalf of The Daily Click admin team, would like to thank Clickteam once again for their generosity for the prize fund of $250.
So, without further ado, here are the overall rankings from the three judges:
1st Place: Christmas Time Heroes, by Strife
2nd Place: Tukky's Christmas, by Duncan Fenn
3rd Place: Hatman 2, by Bibin
4th Place: A Not So Christmassy Game, by Jacob
5th Place: Santa's Magic Sack, by Studio_Pina
6th Place: Santa Doesn't Love You, by HorrendousGames
7th Place: Santa Vs The Ghost Of Christmas Presents, by Lobot
8th Place: Santa Dog 2 (Lite), by Tropik
9th Place: Santa Teaches Typing, by Pixelthief
10th Place: Santa Claws, by Arkhaor
11th Place: Snowman Panic, by YOMAMA722
12th Place: Mark McCauley's 12 Days Til Blooming Christmas, by Mark McCauley
So, there you have it. Strife wins the TDC Christmas Competition 2010 grand prize of $250, so heartiest congratulations to you, sir. Commiserations to the rest of the users who submitted their entries. The standard of games was higher than ever before and judging was quite difficult, even if we did all have to download TGF2: Newgrounds Edition to judge properly! (thanks Duncan!)
So thanks once again, and if you click HERE you will be taken to the results page at the competition website, where you will be able to view a detailed analysis of our judgings, as well as comments!