What's this? Aww, a kitty cat! ^w^ It looks like you guys like kitties just as much as we do, and so Bernie's Game With a Kitty has become the Game (With A Kitty) Of The Week! Congratulations, Berns!
Click here to play this week's winner!
The summer drought is coming to a close, and you folks have submitted a fabulously plentiful lineup of games this time! We've got a wacky SpankROMP, a nifty engine that lets you generate maps from image files, a sceptacularly retro quest (which wasn't a typo), a doodle boy's escapades, and two Densetsu games from unrelated authors, in Shinobi and Solar Rescue flavors.
What are y'all waiting for? Get your mice ready (if the aforementioned Kitty hasn't eaten them of course) and download, play, vote, and download! :D