I've been spending some of my Easter holiday working on something I'd beeen hoping to do for a while...
The scores from the games on TDC's Hi-score Mash-up Game Jam are now listed at Kliktopia page for Vitalize and online score games page and the associated Kliktopia hi-score page.
Meanwhile, Martin Frank has announced a Click-based itch.io Spring Fling Gamejam which runs April 11th 2023 at 11:00 PM to April 13th 2023 at 11:00 PM UK time.
Public announcement: Also, there has been a lot of articles lately which are just asking questions or posting about time-limited things. Please be aware that articles are intended for permanent content such long-form information on a relevant topic (including 'making of' articles going into details about the design process you went through for making a game) and guides and tutorials relevant to Click developers. The articles section is not intended for general discussions or announcements. If you want to update people about your game or activity or to just promote your project then either use the forum, the projects page, and/or the links page as appropriate.