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Beat-'em-up, obstacle-avoiding and puzzle games from LordHannu and Günter
News posted 13th March, 2025 by Joshtek  

More games from Günter and LordHannu? Yes indeedy - these two developers are on a roll when it comes to TDC submissions! So let's get stuck in....

Gladius the demon slayer by LordHannu

A HTML-based Beat 'Em Up. And what are you beating up? Well, demons of course. Get to the end and secure the highest score in this fun pick-up-and play game with the only distraction being the glorious blood. This game is challenging, but success feels glorious.


Comments from the Author: "Gladius takes a stroll with his armour and sword. Meets a woman standing next to a door, she invites him to enter the door. Will Gladius enter this door can he trust her? Later Gladius gets in deep trouble sudden a turtle has a serious role, what can a turtle do?"

Don't say: What, you can make HTML games in Clickteam Fusion? Why did nobody tell me this?!

Do say: When all you can do is stab, advance and treat then timing becomes king. TL;DR: Stabby stab stab ... *pause* ... *advance* ... and STAB!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Seawolf by Günter

As 'avoid the obstacle' games has pedigree, being a March 2025 remake of the author's own 1991 Amiga game.


Comments from the Author: "Skill game... Dive into the underwater caves and traverse them. Collect crystals in the process. The submarine starts automatically. You can only move forwards, upwards and downwards. Your oxygen supply is limited. If you brush against the cave wall or touch thorns, you will lose oxygen. When the oxygen supply is exhausted, your submarine implodes and the game is lost. Can you make it through all 10 levels without destroying your submarine?
With Highsocre."

Don't say: Not another Flappy Birth clone! (It predates that game by more than two decades, dude!)

Do say: I'll play this version AND the 1991 original for the full Seawolf experience. Take that, obstacles!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

A Nightmare with 1000 Doors by Günter

Ever thought memory games needed more spikes? Well, this is the game for you! Sort of like a top-down 2D version of HetH's The Cube (posted to TDC back in 2002) but with less by way of jump scares


Comments from the Author: "Memory game. You are trapped in a nightmare and can only escape by finding the right path through the thousand doors."

Don't say: If I don't move I can't lose!

Do Say: Having a good memory... is key!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

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