The Daily Click ::. Points

Users can earn points by doing several different things on the site. Submitting downloads, articles, links and much more will add points to your account. Points will be taken from your account for deleting content from the site.
You can spend these points on various items at the store.

Activity Points earned
Submit a download 100 points
Write an article 100 points
Write a review 25 points
Submit a project 25 points
Submit a link 25 points
Post on the forum 1 point

  • 2622768 points, in total, currently sitting in users' accounts
  • 1674122 points spent since 7th April 2009
  • 184 VIP members since 7th April 2009
  • 88% of active users* have more than 0 points
  • 50% of active users* have more than 500 points
  • 43% of active users* have more than 1000 points
  • 9535 is the average number of points for each user
  • * Where an active user is one who has been on the site within the last month

    Below is a list of the richest members on the site, and those who have spent the most points.
    User Points
    Rikus 980502
    Museum CareTaker 523700
    UrbanMonk 49667
    The Chris Street 48588
    3kliksphilip 14900
    AndyUK 14586
    Solgryn 12572
    Dr. James MD 11941
    Ski 10130
    David Newton (DavidN) 8322
    User Points Spent
    Liquixcat 1064212
    Rikus 196935
    Matt Boothman 40971
    UrbanMonk 23620
    OMC 20644
    Yai7 16463
    s-m-r 13225
    AmyS3 11200
    Jon Lambert 8355
    Tim 6925



    Worth A Click