The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Star Trek - Temporal Distortions

Project: Star Trek - Temporal Distortions
Project Started: 19th January, 2009 Last Update: 20th September, 2009
Project Owner: Pisarz Ksiazkowicz (Maciej Janiszewski) Project Members:
Project Type: Game Project Progress:

Multi-vector attack mode
Posted 3rd Feb 09, by Pisarz Ksiazkowicz (Maciej Janiszewski)  
Project Owner's log, date 3rd of February 2009.
Engine for USS Budapest is now finished, so i need to do engine for USS Afterlife and USS Dauntless. Every engine will contain a ship's special weapon. So no, I'm trying to make a special weapon for Prometheus Class starship, Multi-vector attack separation. Now some informations about MVAM

"Multi-vector assault mode was a feature developed by Starfleet for its new Prometheus-class starship in the 2370s. By using advanced compartmentalization and automation systems, a ship capable of multi-vector assault mode could split itself into three separate warp-capable craft, becoming an entire squadron operating semi-independently and in concert, effectively tripling the amount of firepower that could be applied against a target.

Upon ordering multi-vector assault mode, the ship's computer would begin a ten-second countdown, going to Blue Alert in preparation for the ship to separate. Separation was generally performed at sublight speeds, although it could be accomplished at warp as well. On the USS Prometheus, the saucer section detaches, deploying a small warp nacelle from behind the bridge, and the secondary hull splits on the X-axis, into two parts, each with two nacelles. Following the separation, the three separate sections could be piloted manually, or could be controlled by the ship's computer to perform pre-programmed attack patterns. After attack operations, the ship is capable of re-connecting itself automatically.
u.s.s. prometheus

As of 2374, the multi-vector assault mode was still an untested, top-secret technology. The only starship known to be equipped with the system was the USS Prometheus itself. In its first two deployments (both unplanned due to a Romulan attack), the Prometheus successfully crippled the Nebula-class USS Bonchune (while under Romulan control) and destroyed a D'deridex-class Romulan warbird with a little help from an Akira-class and two Defiant-class starships."

That's all. Today no screenshots, only some photos about MVAM.
End log.

Info and photos are from Utopia Platinia Yards website.


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