which is why i made you guys another video! yaay!!!!
as you can see theres a whole lot of dumb crap happening, like the banisters are all willy nilly, the gun tends to get all wacky, and towards the end i pull of a strange akward backhand shot in a zombies face. also i messed up and made the window ledge too low so you can step up, which is kinda cool, and you can jump out of it if youre in a pinch what do you guys think about it? should i keep it?
but anyways, i want to keep working on the ladder, because obviously its back to just sitting there, and i even forgot to make that marker above it invisible. i also want to start adding some blood particle effects and maybe update the characters and add some new animations! yay! im so excited to see this all coming together, even as sloppy as its getting, hopefully ill keep on with my enthusiasm and not cut corners (as you can see i kind of did a bit with the backgrounds, i just wanted to get em done)
by the way, what do you guys think of the improved backdrops? thanks alot for all your peoples support!
EDIT: it might do the same thing as last time, so let it load, then when it starts playing stop it and restart. sorry for the bad videos!
yeah, the video capture is really choppy, but it runs at 50fps. so far its only when theres about 25ish or more zombies that it starts to slow down gradually. im starting the new characters today! thanks alot!
try to make the zombies faster, so it's more of a challenge. And if you just stood near the window and waited for all of the zombies to walk up the stairs you can easily pick them off. I think they shouldn't just be "one shot kills". Maybe three bullets to kill.
head shots are one shot kills, it takes a bit more if you shoot anything else. the zombies come at random speeds, but im definatly going to make them alot tougher, especially when i incorporate ammo into the game. itll definatly be alot harder to shoot too once i mess with the target. when its that close its going to be invisible, but itll show up as you upgrade the range. thanks so much for the feedback guys!
by the way, how did you create the headshot thing? was is a invisible active on the head, and when mouse is over it and shoots...play animation head shot?