you guessed it, i placed in some new doors on the house! they work pretty well i must say. they arent shaded, but hey, who cares. not only did i manage to make the doors up and stuff, but i was able to impliment an early barricade system, when you press the spacebar on a door while inside, you start hammering away and eventually you get a shiny new part added onto a door, although once you start upgrading, you cant open the doors, unless they get destroyed or you down grade them, yup, when you hold down control and press space you bring the door down a notch, which you might end up needing to make the sacrifice to get outside and find some treats to keep your character alive.
oh yeah, and there is a video
i figured out that my videos looked like garbage because the frame rate capture was at 7 per second... lol. i upped it a bunch, so it kind of looks better, but you can get a better undestanding of whats going on graphically...
as you can see from the video, the system works fairly well, there are a few bugs (one of which, the player does that goofy arm thing when walkign through the door, becaue i forgot to add the when frame isnt = to 3 condition to the aiming script. thats fixed now)
also one of the biggest problems is shooting through doors, which hopefully will be fixed when i update the zombie sprites and gun effects. you cant really shoot through a door, but if you get close enough, the bullet phases through and conks them.
and also the zombies dont do anything to prevent the structures you build from being damaged, yet, im still debating on how i can do this graphics wise, but ive got a few ideas (im leaning toward doing the same kind of thing when the player does the building animation, suggestions would be cool.
also in the video you might be able to catch the new recoil system and effects. the effects definatly need work and im kind of lost when it comes to designing them. if someone could point me towards a tutorial (visual tutorial i might add) then that would also be pretty sweet.
tommorrow i really want to try to update the zombies, they look so out of place now. i also have to add the shading to the doors and its upgrades. let me know what you guys think, okay? thanks alot for everyone whos been helping me out with this and giving me ideas! i really mean it when i say im liking everything about this place, and the people here, and of cource the product! ill try my best to keep being as speedy with this game as i am!
thanks guys!
@carn the door animations really only took like 5 minutes to do, i kind of just winged it, but good thing it looks alright!
@were if i keep going at this rate ill hopefully have something ready soon. i just gotta stay motivated.
@sumo thanks! i can barely believe it! its good to know im at least good at something.
The only negative thing I can say about this is that it all looks quite colourful and blocky, which I think goes against the usual style for zombie games. Other than that I can't wait for this. Reminds me of a 2D L4D
thanks! i do feel really bad about the style, i know it can be so much better, but unfortuanatly i only have expirience drawing cartoons. ill do my homework and see if by the next video i can bring the tone down some.