Well, I'm in the process of going through all the files that I have downloaded over the years that I've had this computer, and deleting what I don't need or want to play later.
This project is currently on hold, although I do have something finished for the basic movement code, I've decided to wait to release it until some decent beat-em-up style graphics can be made to display the engines potential.
I've recently found some nice free programs that can
help with my cause, but I still have to draw the sprites.
I'm experimenting with something known as Skeleton v1.1
and another similar program known as Pivot.
Pivot is nice if all you need is a stick-figure.
It has a built in animation frame system, which is nice, but I still have to move the sticks and make each frame by hand.
Skeleton v1.1 has one major advantage over Pivot,
and that's the ability to rotate the sprites as if they were 3d! ...
The problem with both of these programs is that if you want a detailed character, you'll need to make it out of cut up sprite pieces.
If anyone wants to help me with this, that'd be great, it's something that I will be working at for awhile.
If you've ever ripped large boss graphics from a game, or seen some of those boss sprite sheets all cut up into pieces like, you'll begin to understand what's needed.
I'll start a new project for this and add it to the list.