Well I felt the game still felt a bit still homemade so I decided to take action! Lol.
First, I've redesigned the character again, nothing major, just made her bigger and changed her hair colour. Also her boobies are out on display a bit more he he he.
Reason? Well I'm making the screen size a bit bigger (320 x 224) and also trying to make it look more like a snes game rather than a GBA game. I've been using a stereotypical SNES palette aswell.
Also I'm re-doing the engine a little. Not much, just adding in the feature to shoot upwards and downwards and also to hang off things. (Hopefully)
Anyway 'ere are the pictures:
Also the hud has changed. He he he. More SNES fitting now. Secondly I am going to re-do the weapon system. The whole element idea was good on paper, but it never really made much difference when playing the game. So instead, you have all your four weapons to begin with, and you power them up by shooting bad-dudes. However if you stop destorying bad-dudes the counter starts to go down after a while. Simple.