The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. SmileyCountry

Project: SmileyCountry
Project Started: 22nd July, 2009 Last Update: 22nd July, 2009
Project Owner: Code6 Project Members:
Project Type: Multiplayer Open World Game Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 3

Where's the DevLog?
Posted 22nd Jul 09, by Code6  

Today I added SmileyCountry to DailyClick to spread the word just a tiny bit, since the project is in Private Alpha.

What's the exact status? Very early technical demo at this point.

You can walk around, see each other, chat with each other, chop down trees, turn Logs into Planks, schedule Construction Jobs, and build them. You can also destroy buildings.

That's a lot that you can already do... but it's nothing substantial. There is no meaning to it yet. It's not a game yet, just a sandbox.

What exactly is the difference between those two anyway? That's a very good question, and one hard to address quickly.

SmileyCountry aims to be a playable game, with things you are seeking to accomplish. It's an Open Game, so there is no Game Over screen or a way to beat it. You won't see the credits start to roll after accomplishing something.

You aim to do things like perhaps build a Restaurant that earns you lots of cash, which you can then use to set bounties on other restaurant buildings.
Be a bounty hunter that collects those bounties, and use them to train your fighting skill harder.

The inspiration for this game comes from various things, but let's pretend the following was true:

I got the idea of SmileyCountry from playing The Settlers 2. I was watching all the little people run around, doing their own thing: building stuff, fishing, hunting,...
So I thought to myself, how sweet would it be if people could play as those little guys, and rather than following orders, just do whatever the **** they wanted?

That's not quite a real story, but it's true enough!

Posted by Jon Lambert 23rd July, 2009

Hope it's using OINC, cause then it's going to ROCK!
Posted by [DELETED] 23rd July, 2009

Sounds great, but I think you can further develop that idea of 'doing what you want'. If you own Warcraft III and have played custom maps on, there was a great one called "Real Life" or something similar, and you could have gangs, have houses, a job, marriage, etc etc.
Posted by Flava 23rd July, 2009

I used to play SmileyHouse all the time - can't wait for this


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