Once again, sorry about missing last weeks devlog. Although, considering the fact that there wasn't anything new to show off, there was really no point in putting one up. Hell, there isn't even anything this week, but this lack of content isn't due to a lack of work.
I've recently been considering my goals for this project. One of them is to create an easily modifiable/expandable game engine for rapid content creation. I realized that so far I haven't been doing very well on this goal. All of the weapons, particle effects, and character sprites are currently built into the game with fixed parameters and I've set out to fix that.
So, recently I've been working on expanding the backend of the engine to where everything -- weapons, particle effects, all graphics -- will be defined and loaded externally.
It's not an easy task, so this is probably going to take a while longer to completely finish. But when I'm done with this, the engine should be much easier for me -- not to mention anybody else -- to work with and add content to.
Just to clarify, this isn't yet another rewrite of the game, so no worries about that.