20% done - Chapter 1 finished! The 3rd boss is a biggun, one of my testers spent about an hour trying to beat it so I've had to make that bugger a little easier.
It takes me an hour to get to Chapter 2, so many a few hours for new folk. But it's going swimmingly.
I've probably said but Chapter 2 is about exploration. The first one is about training, setting the scene and all that.
Some plans... Each chapter is to have at least 3 big bosses. So there should be 12 by the time I'm done. There will be a secret chapter too triggered by events in previous ones.
And btw me and MrPineapple are sorting out a bit of a Tormishire OST (on a proper CD too, thanks CD pressing plant!). There's some details there > http://satansam.co.uk/blog/?p=379.