Next version will be released pretty soon.
The updates are mainly for the links.
What's new:
- Links are exported/imported correctly and do not disappear after importation (for the recent exportations only).
- Links can now be designed more easily (very short links do not disappear after draw)
- The SVG importation is a lot more flexible with SVG exported by other programs
- Clone feature keeps the specials properties
- Special properties are stored in SVG format and can be exported/imported
- Very small shapes can now be draw
- Optimization: Moving the paper by right clicking is now a lot faster
- The properties of the colors are written on the pens on the left.
- Bug corrected: when two fixed shapes was linked, all linked shapes to one of them disappear and they no collision occurred anymore (chipmunk engine bug)
- Bug corrected: small memory leak in the VectorialShape object
Not a lot of new features, my job took me a lot of time this last two weeks.