I'm coming clean - I don't like the graphics in this game. I'm taking a week or 2 off to focus on some freelance graphic projects for other folk and to get some new ideas. Hopefully come back with ideas on how to improve the graphics. I think I'm at a stage where I can do painted graphics better than pixel ones, but redoing the whole game with painted graphics would just take oh-so long. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place like.
Might have been that Paul McCartney chap who said he could always play guitar better after he stopped playing for a week. Lets see if the same works for game design!
But some proper update stuff-
+I've added the first vehicle to the game. I dunno how many I should add, I originally didn't plan on adding them at all.
+I'm up to 130 rooms now. Took a while to get from 120 since I added a boss and spent a looong time optimising code and all that jazz.
Almost finished Chapter 2.
+Added a medal system, inwhich the player is rewarded for going beyond the call of duty on certain tasks. They're also given out for finding secrets. There are 32 in total and serve as a progress benchmark since it's very non-linear.
+All the online bits have been finalised.
I plan on getting a 4th trailer out for Xmas still. This one won't be a 15 minute rush job either!