The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Ladders 2

Project: Ladders 2
Project Started: 2nd June, 2009 Last Update: 14th May, 2010
Project Owner: Ricky Project Members:
Project Type: Platform Game Project Progress:

Posted 12th Oct 09, by Ricky  
This is the game so far

I've done a lot of things since the last update, most of them pretty subtle (things like make the bad guys interact properly with moving platforms, fixing piles of bugs, remaking the fast bricks movement,etc..)

At the rate I'm going right now, This game will be finished some time in November (if i keep at this pace).

Here's a list of things i still need to do.

1. Draw more backgrounds (i want to have 10-20)
2. Make bosses (i hate making bosses)
3. make a better title screen
4. make a better level selecting screen
5. make the flame throwers already
6. Get original music
7. More minor bug fixes
8. Make the rest of the levels

After that, it'll be done!

Posted by OMC 12th October, 2009

We all know where number 6 will come from...
Posted by Xhunterko 12th October, 2009

Cough, be nice omc, cough.

If your having trouble with making music, by far, the easiest thing I've found to use. Is this:

It has a very minimilistic gui with easy to keep track of choices. Granted there aren't very many choices, and the undo doesn't work, and I've had only the fewest problems with it. (It crashes during odd circumstances, but is only a problem if you don't save.) Why do you hate making bosses? I made a few for a piece of crap that was supposed to be for a winter game contest, but they were fun to do. If you need suggestions, let me know! Faved, downloading.
Posted by AndyUK 12th October, 2009

i hate making bosses too, they require their own code and they take loads more time than other aspects, at least in my experience.
Posted by OMC 14th October, 2009

Huh? Be nice? O_o I meant we all know Johan Hargne would be doing it.


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