The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Pictionary Online

Project: Pictionary Online
Project Started: 8th April, 2010 Last Update: 17th April, 2010
Project Owner: Sumo148 Project Members:
Project Type: Drawing & Guessing Words Online Project Progress:
More Info: coming... Faves: 4

Beta 11b Updates and Screenshots
Posted 15th Apr 10, by Sumo148  
Beta 11b is out! Small (actually big) update. I've added a photo log to the game. After each round the game will automatically take a picture of the final drawing and save it. Then you can view all of the drawings in the photo log. From the log you can also delete the ones you hate and blackm- I mean post the ones you like up on the internet I've also added a few more buttons to the game. If you are the host you'll be able to kick any of the players at will. Another button is the camera button. It takes a photo of the current drawing and saves it, so if you don't want to wait until the end of the round. And now...screenshots while playing with Jacob

Getting Kicked:

In-Game Photos:



The Photo Log:



All I have to do is to add the scoring system and polish it up! Then I am done

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