The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Pictionary Online

Project: Pictionary Online
Project Started: 8th April, 2010 Last Update: 17th April, 2010
Project Owner: Sumo148 Project Members:
Project Type: Drawing & Guessing Words Online Project Progress:
More Info: coming... Faves: 4

Beta #13- Scoring System
Posted 17th Apr 10, by Sumo148  
The scoring system is finally complete! Now the points actually matter and you can finish a game! Hooray! It took me all day, but I finally finished it. I'm so glad. The last 5% of this project is to polish the game up and make sure there are absolutely no bugs before I release it to the public, then we can all have one gigantic game. I hope an admin will post this to the news sections when the game is complete so we can have a ton of people play. Trust me, it's great fun! Everyone I played with had a blast

Screenshots coming soon! Make sure to check out the beta in the forums! If you have any suggestions for the game, then this would be the time while I'm polishing it up

Posted by OMC 17th April, 2010

I will gladly post about it when it's done so we can have a huge TDC game.

Anything I can help out with?
Posted by Sumo148 17th April, 2010

well if you have any suggestions to make the game even better Any features, extras, etc.

Thanks for the future news post. I'll probably have it done by tomorrow on or sunday.


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