I have been working hard to try and get the best engine possible for this game, and i think i have done it
I came across a proble though (in a diffrent area). My game involves a level select world in which you select the level and enter. But in the entire game (level select or world), if you loose your lives, thats it, your done. So I needed a system where if you found a level too hard you could pause the game select quit and exit to the main world. One problem, i dont know how to pause the game without making the entire frame pause (the menu too). So what i have done is made a system where you have to hold enter. this charges a portal in which you start to dissapear. Now, if you get hit more move while charging you fade back and carry one with the level.
Bricko can now do the following things:
Move normally
Fire a brick
Jump (no way mannnnn)
Make an exit portal
New things added:
Swinging platforms
Moving platforms
A new cannon
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
PS, i have two exams today, physics and maths AS