The level-making stage is here, and the first new level has been completed! It's a remake of the original Movement level from way back. It's got a lot of the cool new features, like a computer that you can hack to disable the anti-magic fields, and robotic defense drones. Overall, finishing this level was easier than I'd expected - the reward of good planning - so I think this game is really on the right track to be completed.
One of the interesting guns in this game is the deathmist. DEATH MIST is a highly corrosive and toxic mist that can take out huge crowds of enemies, both human and mechanical. The deathmist holds huge amounts of this gas and can spray it effectively at a surprisingly large range. It also has a cool secondary fire: you can suck other gases/mists up, and then spray them out as a weapon. For example, you're being attacked by a rocketman. You dodge his rocket, and suck up its exhaust. Now fire his own smoke at him, and the smoke temporarily blinds him! There are a bunch of cool gases you can suck up this way, and I think people will have fun coming up with ways to use them.