For the last year or so I've just been tweaking the engine slightly every week or so instead of adding new areas. Time to stop messing around now! Putting the pedal down and really pressing ahead with the game itself. It's pretty big as it stands. I'd say 3-4 hours of gameplay for beginners. But I need to finish now so I can release this for Winter with that expected 15 hours gameplay.
Also added full 360 controller support which even includes rumble, analogue triggers and stick for various functions. These functions are mimicked on the keyboard too using the numpad. It's not a mega important feature either, the game has been designed without them. The controller is automatically detected now but it can be switched off in the options. There's also a little benefit of full 360º swimming instead of the 8 direction dpad.
25% complete now with just an extra 25% planned.
Nothing much else to say!