Hey guys!
Okay, i'm slowly starting to put elements of the first level in whilst working on the engine still so that when you guys test it it's slightly more interesting each time! The level is still really short and not how I want it but at least there is something going on! You now start the level with a beanbag shotgun which only knocks out enemies. Its very buggy as i'm still working on it, but expect another update on the 4th or before with a more polished level
Now, there are some known bugs:
+ You can change weapons during the intro scene,(refrain from doing that, lol)
+ When you shoot the second type of enemy with the beanbag shotgun he dies instead of falling asleep
+ If you accidentally jump off the edge of the level, you fall, and have to restart the game (this of course will be faster and will just restart the level later on) Press F2 and just load it up again, lol
Also, experiment with changing the controls to WASD for movement, I find it to be pretty good. (Control + Y to get to controls, will eventually be in the Options)
EDIT: Lol, forgot the download link: