The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. gurglefight

Project: gurglefight
Project Started: 11th February, 2010 Last Update: 27th October, 2010
Project Owner: nick_peoples Project Members: Dean James Reynolds
Project Type: online fighter Project Progress:

no updates?
Posted 27th Oct 10, by nick_peoples  
gurglefight is on the 3ed page! i owe you an explanation.

I haven't really been around in a while, stuck with school and soccer :/

I cant really work on this for a bit, the laptop is currently broken and I'm waiting for a new back light to ship any day now...

As for the project is going, Ive drooped the PHP and I'm currently working on some sort of lacewing server to save to an ini file (I know that's a very bad idea but its a long story)

more updates coming soon!


PS I've seemed to have loosed contact with some people....sorry for being so late!


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