Worked today on polishing up the cinematics engine. Speech text is now more visible, and some graphics have been added.
I've demonstrated through scripts a way for multi-character conversations where the camera pans from player to player as they speak. An important detail is that characters will face whomever they're talking to, at the appropriate times. I plan on making some animations (surprised, happy, etc) to throw into conversations, to give them emotion. There is a small (non annoying) sound that plays as text is "typed", and a different "diddle" when the text is complete (ala. Zelda LTTP). As of now this all seems to do what I want and so I'll go with it.
There may be a few minor updates before it is complete, but for the most part I will be working on Character inventory (Weapons, potions, spells, etc.) Almost there; I can taste it. Just this and enemies - and its time to get started on the final product that you'll play!
[ Timeline update ]
Inventory completion: Sunday, Feb 27
Enemies: Tue, Mar 1st
Final Integration (health, attacking, etc and script functionality): March 15th.
World, Character, Script, Graphic, Music, Sound and Storyline development: Estimating 3-5 months. I plan on releasing video footage of the game throughout the development process.