The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Princess Light

Project: Princess Light
Project Started: 6th July, 2010 Last Update: 12th September, 2011
Project Owner: MeadowHare Project Members:
Project Type: Platformer/Action Adventure Project Progress:

Progress Actually Becoming Evident
Posted 12th Sep 11, by MeadowHare  
Progress has been slow for the past few months. Refining of the engine continues. (Still)

However, I'm using a new mothod of developing, which is really speeding up the process. Instead of building rooms on the engine frame, I'm sketching out all the rooms and building them first, then just plopping in the engine mechanics.

I don't know if that makes any sense, but it's really helping in the planning out of bosses and power-ups and their locations. That said, there is still a long way to go until the game is finished, but it's just encouraging to see actual progress.

One new feature That I'm pretty excited about is the addition of enemy weaknesses. I relegated the weaknesses of enemies to internal values, which can be easily changed. This makes it easy to shift an enemy or Boss's weakness and implement weak spots and periods.

A little more than half of the rooms have been sketched, meaning the framework is laid down without all the prettiness, the overtiles on it. I truly apologise for taking so many years to complete this project... =(

Posted by Shiru 13th September, 2011

Why not making a level editor ? It will speed up the level creation too =D !

Enemy weakness so weak to some weapons or they have weakpoint ??

Good luck with the engine rewrite !
Posted by alastair john jack 14th September, 2011

This looks pretty cool
Posted by nim 14th September, 2011

Great to see that you're still working on it!
Posted by shadowlink 15th September, 2011

Keep up the good work Meadow.
Posted by MeadowHare 16th September, 2011

Thanks for the comments and the encouragement, friends!

Shiru, The enemies have weaknesses to weapons more than weakpoints, but weak spots are definitely used with the engine.


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