The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Abattoir

Project: Abattoir
Project Started: 21st February, 2009 Last Update: 19th December, 2012
Project Owner: Chloe Sagal Project Members:
Project Type: Survival Project Progress:

I might have to pick this project up again... Getting some PERSPECTIVE /pun
Posted 22nd Oct 12, by Chloe Sagal  
I'm debating on what I want to work on, it seems like I'm going to have to work on something all by mah lonesome, but meh who cares.

I'm debating on this one, given that there are soooo many awesome games (oh ffs and a mod, jerks) coming out that have a similar theme,



And depressingly similar concept(albiet, isometric rather than my redesign to a top-down perspective),
Project Zomboid

If you guys haven't seen, this was the last video made for the project me and the other guys were working on, when those jackasses cut me out of the project and turned it into a fing nazi zombies clone.

This was going to be on the xbox, you can hear the signature login blip at the beginning.

I personally love Project Zomboid's isometric style, I had been considering doing a 3/4ths perspective, though with the fact that windows and doors are an essential gameplay mechanic, that basically throws out two sides. Top down is great, and it's fairly simple spritework, however, it's not as much detail in the character design that I'd like. The platformer style that I originally went with was equally as simple and gives a considerable amount of detail, but it really cuts down on the whole barricade aspects to about 2 locations per building. Granted, fortress building isn't really the most important aspect of gameplay, but it is vital imo.

One idea I'm batting around with is perhaps a beat em' up style perspective, and instead of having the walls of the buildings at an angle. The problem with this being that it might end up lacking depth in the level design, and being laid out fairly linearly as in the platformer sideview perspective.

If I were to do that, what if I borrow the aukward perspective from earthbound? You know, where it's 3/4ths perective and isometric AT THE SAME TIME. Like a freaking parallelogram they are.

Anyways, I came up with a quick front view sprite, I'd be interested in anyone's opinions on them, one has a black outline, one has a shaded outline, and the middle has a darkened shaded outline. Which one looks the best? It's just a rough animation, I probably want to add some movement in the fingers, and maybe less movement in the jaw, also considering that I might not even use this sprite going forward,




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