I know I said I'd be working very hard on this game, but unfortunately it hasn't panned out that way. Between working full-time and going to school full-time I don't have much time to work on this. The good news is I've been able to get myself ahead in my classes, I have to get those straight 'ayyyyes' if I want to get into a good school for Chemistry like Berkly or MIT, not that I can afford to go anywhere like that. One of these days I'll be known as Dr. Chloe, and then I can rule you all with my giant laser beam.
Andyways. I've been touching up a few more animations, I want to make sure they are perfect. Once that is finished, I'll move on to the revised backdrops (as well as a few new ones to increase the length of the game) and then start working on some of the programming, which, thankfully for this game is not too heavy.
I'm also debating on what to do with the intro/endings. I'm leaning towards doing some in game sequences, either way, I'll be adding some in-game sequencing to allow for more interesting game play (and I'll be throwing in some of my ridiculous randomization to make it even more interesting and unpredictable).
Try to be a little more excited, okay? That comment was for me, not you. But you can have it, if you want it. <3