Here are the (current) operating instructions:
--W, A, S, and D keys move the player up, left, down, and right, respectively.
--Aim your gun with the mouse (which is irrespective of the direction you move)
--Fire your gun with a click of the left mouse button
--Reload your gun with a click of the left mouse button when your ammo meter reaches 0, or by pressing the "R" key
--Summon one convoy truck at a time by pressing the "E" key
--Note that the insects will chase the player vehicle unless there's a convoy truck on the map, in which case they will attempt to destroy it
--Player bullets will harm the truck as well, so be warned. At this point, ten hits will destroy a convoy truck
--There is a non-functional burst of "insecticide" that is activated with the right mouse button; I'm working on making the insects be repelled by the insecticide
--There is a "G" powerup that is available every thirty seconds, and you can pick it up at the leftmost base; it currently has no function, but it does briefly change the animation shown for the player ship
Also here is an additional screenshot of what's been done.