The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Baby Ghost

Project: Baby Ghost
Project Started: 16th July, 2008 Last Update: 5th April, 2009
Project Owner: Jon Lambert Project Members:
Project Type: Ghostly Platformer Adventure Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 4

First Two Areas
Posted 22nd Jul 08, by Jon Lambert  
Work is done on the first two areas in the game, the Outskirts, and Apar Town. The first area, the Outskirts takes place in the story as the area you start in after the prologue, which I plan on making an animation for!

The Outskirts are a sort of tutorial area. I say sort of because the signs never actually tell you what buttons do what. Keeping up the illusion that the world of the game is real.

Apar Town is the main area of the game, and as an adventure game, the player will return here over and over in the story. The current residents are Hermy, Gert, Carrie, Jerry, Lou Ser, and the Elder, who leads the town. There will be more, and a few of these characters are very important to the story.




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