After some time Ravenius had problems with his Computer, we could now work together a bit and think of new ideas. So at first, we made a scripting engine, which is a bit slow, but we didn't find out a faster way using mmf and not Lua, so it will be as easy as possible. So if you found out a great way of making a script system, feel free to tell them to us, so we can make it much more powerful and faster. The script engine will only work for the single player mode, but will have great functions.
Then we fixed many major bugs on our editor, I hope it is now bug free. At least saving and loading works now perfectly, we need only to implement our layers system, which will have basic functions:
layer 1: floor, walkable
layer 2: wall, not walkable
layer 3: objects above you, walkable
So you can decide where your objects are placed. We will soon realese a demo of our editor, which won't include the whole features, which the editor will have later, but only the basic functions, so you can test it and tell us if you like the way it works and report us bugs.
Also we would like to make a shadowengine, but it is hard work and we hope it will get possible with the final verison of HWA without too much extra objects