Yesterday I fought tooth and nail against a project getting too big for this little ol' computer. I needs a new one fast. Only because of the resource hogging Photoshop I couldn't test the private demo I was supposed to be shipping out. Sent a preliminary copy to my partner in crime, my partner and 2 chaps I met in Partners and found out there's a big crippling bug in it (which is apparent just after the first boss, hmm).
So my games sat in the hands of a few industry big wigs and it supposedly doesn't work right. Snarl.
Also been adding some new stuff to the engine, mostly to make it purdy like. HWA-less MMF2 isn't the weak puppy some folk think.
The bug happens whenever you leave a vertical 'door' whilst gravity is flipped. So if you kill the first boss when you're on the ceiling then it crashes. It's fine if you kill it whilst on the ground though but theres another upside down part too.
Grrr. Just have to recode the initial room setup bit is all. Comment edited by Dr. James on 9/6/2008
Yeah you can play test something a thousand times and find a bug later on by chance. Ive had to deal with loads myself and some I've probably seen but forgotten about.
Don't let it get you down.
Uh...No real offense, but I don't like these castle graphics, I really LOVE the cave graphics. They don't seem to be one the same level. The cave graphics are very beautiful and well done, the castle or 'er stone area are well done, but don't look as good as the cave graphics. Anyway, I guess you have to have a change in enviroment though. Still looking pretty good none the less.