The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Jake Bonfire

Project: Jake Bonfire
Project Started: 20th August, 2008 Last Update: 1st September, 2009
Project Owner: Xhunterko Project Members:
Project Type: 2d shooter platformer Project Progress:

Just some thoughts I had
Posted 9th Jul 09, by Xhunterko  
I was testing out the new graphics in my game the other day. I get 0 health alot as usual, and have been thinking of ways around this. Heck, I'm the designer, I can do what I want, right? Well, I want it to be a little more difficult then the average life based run n' gun. So I made the enemy a bit more lethal to the player and that's it. Then I just had a quick thought about cats having 9 lives. And that's where this came from.

The player will still 'die'. And a restart countdown timer will begin. During that time, the player can exchange health for points by regenerating with the shield. So long as the player's body is still around, they won't have to restart the level. Unless they get burnt to ashes, blown to pieces, or fall off a ledge, they should be good to regenerate.

They can choose to wait until full or not full health to do so. Since plenty of drops allow them to refill fairly easily. I am also going to add something to the grenades. Instead of having just an infinite supply on them, I'm going to institute a cool down bar. Which, is slowly refilled while the player is holding still. Well, that's all from me. Oh, here's a look at an early first boss look. It's still very much wip. Yes, the pilot is trying to look happy. I tried to do a speed pixel, to see what I could come up with in the shortest amount of time. I had fun.

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