The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. The Legend of Mario

Project: The Legend of Mario
Project Started: 30th April, 2009 Last Update: 25th September, 2009
Project Owner: Dark Link Project Members: weka
Project Type: Mainly Platformer, but will contain most types. Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 4

To do list......
Posted 4th May 09, by Dark Link  
I have a list of what i plan to do before any of the actual levels (not tutorials) can be started
Recolor some sprites
Give peach an ability when she has the fire flower
Get various mario sound effects
Make Fire Mario & Fire Luigi
Make items come out of "?" blocks
[color:#3333FF]Start making mario toolbar:
Current Star count
Current Coin count
Character name
Saved item(if you get a mushroom, and you already gave a mushroom, that item will be saved)
World Number
Current Overall Score
Current amount of Lives
Current progress throught out the level
Then i have to make yoshi, birdo, toad, in SMB format

Here is a list of everything that i might need to saved
Total amount of stars
Stars gotten from each level
Levels passed
Starting character
Current character
Bought shop widgets
Extra item
Bought Characters
Unlocked levels(like in SMW where there is star world)
Mid-Level positions
Overworld map positions
I have also thought of some "hiscore" system. It would allow the player to be competitive with everyone who plays the game. If we decide to do any of these, we can use Jeff's article on Online hi-scores . They would sorta be like records of your game

Enemies killed
Game OVers
Total Play Time
Longest character played as
Shortest character played as
Total number of stars gotten
Each level's score (at the end of the level or game, you can submit your level scores)
Number of times you switched characters
Max number of lives you had
Total number of power ups/downs you got.
How long it took you to beat a level.
Total number of coins gotten.
Overall number of lives gotten.

This is what the current mario toolbar looks like.


The Exclamation box will tell you hints about the level(secret exits, warp pipes, etc)

The Road looking box will is where all of the text based store bought widgets will be "held". if you click it, then a box comes up, and tells you what you want to know.

The black portion of the toolbar shows you your progress throught out the level. I may add a string that will you something like "You are 57% through the level". it is always updating.

The red bar is a coin widget. when you buy it from the store, it shows you the percentage of coins you have gathered. For example if you collect 50% of the coins, then half of the red will be replaced by another color.

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