The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Motherworld ::. Forum

Project: Motherworld
Project Started: 29th June, 2008 Last Update: 31st October, 2011
Project Owner: Otter Project Members: CraigT
Project Type: RealTime Simulation and RPG Project Progress:
More Info: n/a


Public Forum ::. What the eF is this game?

Posted By Message



GOTW JUNE 2010 WINNER!Hero of TimeVIP Member
25th September, 2009

I really enjoy watching this project. It looks nice, colorful and everything and it's going along quite fine. But every time I see this project, I start wondering what the hell it is. Your description tells nothing about the gameplay and your project type "RealTime/Simulation/Platforming/RPG/ Puzzle/Retro" is as good as saying "well it's some kind of game with stuff going on"...

So in all honesty: What the F is this game? What's your objective? What's the story? What gameplay elements do you have? What makes this game interesting? etc.

All I see is decorating houses... that's it? I thought Earthbound was an RPG, so... do you have any RPG elements? That would be great

This is what I feel is the most intersting part of any game... the gameplay! And I would really like to hear more about that maybe perhaps in the future?




Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
26th September, 2009

Sorry about the lack of discription, I'll try to get it done better. It has RPG elements, it's just that the decorating houses was one of the major things that got finished. The game play is similair to Sword of Mana or Final Fantasy advanture. I felt like the classic turn based of Earthbound, besides being hard to perform, wouldn't suit the active enviroments of this game.

When you get up close to an enemy, a sound plays, then your character goes to battle mode. When all enemies you've engaged are defeated, you go back to standard walk around mode. You get experience, PSI Moves and all of stuff from Earthbound by defeating enemies.

It's supposed to be a world simulation mainly, which is why the seasons and time of day change with your computer's clock. It has a focus on collectibles and side quest. You can collect comic books. You might finish a side quest and get a figurine or a piece of furniture. You can collect comic books. There is an overall story revolving around your father and Pokey Minch.



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