The Daily Click Rules of Conduct
The Daily Click forum is a free service provided by the administration. Abuse of
this service may result in severe penalties including profile removal and/or a
permanent ban, according to the rules specified below.
- Posts containing information about, or requests for, warez or pirate
software will be removed. If the post concerns Clickteam software (that is,
products which are part of Clickteam's range) then your details (including your
user name, email address and IP, along with any other available information)
will be passed on to Clickteam.
- Users should not engage in disruptive activity such as flooding (sending
multiple messages within a short space of time). This will result in your
profile being removed, and a permanent ban being enforced.
- Users should not abuse other members. This will result in the post being
removed. If abuse continues (regarding the same member or otherwise) your
profile will be removed and a permanent ban will be enforced.
- Users should not use offensive or profane language. This will result in the
post being altered by an administrator, or being removed entirely. In extreme
cases, or when this rule is consistently broken, your profile will be removed,
and a permanent ban will be enforced at the administrators discretion.
- Posts should not contain hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content.
This will result in the post being removed. In extreme cases, or when this rule
is consistently broken, your profile will be removed, and a permanent ban will
be enforced at the administrators discretion.
- Posts that contain misleading or erroneous information will be removed.
- Posts that infringe on a trademark or copyrighted material and/or content
will be removed.
- Users that impersonate another member will be deleted and permanently
- Ignorance is not a defence. Rules may be updated, added, or removed
at any time, and without notice.
As a general rule, be courteous to all other members at all times; the "rule of
common sense" is always being enforced. Administrators have the right to enforce
the rules as they see fit.