The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Tops the pig compilation

Tops the pig compilation
Author: AndyUK Submitted: 2nd December, 2002 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 701

This is Tops the pig!
All of Tops' adventures in one small download
Tops the pig 1 and 2 and tops 2 plus.

For those who havent played any Tops the pig games yet:

Tops 1, Tops must collect all the stars in each of the ten levels to gain the perfect ten score.

Tops 2, The pig village has been kidnapped by mcdoss and Tops is the only one left, he must travel across 12 levels of action shooting mutant turtles and collecting stars.

Tops 2 plus, Tops has saved the village but there are 5 more levels before he can get back home again!

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 (900kb )
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Posted by The Chris Street 3rd December, 2002

I hope this has a better engine this time, before I download it again :)
Posted by Mr. Mister 3rd December, 2002

Link donīīt work... :(
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 3rd December, 2002

Yes it does. Reviewed!
Posted by matrixkitty 3rd December, 2002

the only bad thing is barely any sound effects
Posted by Shen 3rd December, 2002

You should really learn to make a custom platform movement sometime.
Posted by ElectricPro 3rd December, 2002

do u know how to do 16x16 icon (window icon and start menu icon)?
Posted by Ashman 3rd December, 2002

I didn't like the first one but I loved the second (despite it's pretty crappiness) and I accidently deleted it...damn!! Downloading....
Posted by TS Team 3rd December, 2002

I review it... It's o...k...a...y... :D
Posted by AndyUK 4th December, 2002

RE: electpro oh bugger i forgot the 16x16 icon. yes i know
Posted by AndyUK 4th December, 2002

i know how to do custom movement i just chose not to for these games but i will do custom for my next release (swordstar)
Posted by JJ45 6th December, 2002

cute graphicss :)
Posted by Jason Orme 11th December, 2002

It crashed when i did the level where you must grab the piggis red balls.
Posted by Individual Thought 17th June, 2004

lol please reword that. :D
Posted by dndfreak 21st January, 2009

please don't. It's funnier that way.






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