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Ballz! 2 Demo
Author: Paolo Victor Submitted: 28th September, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 371

As I promissed, here's a 1-arena demo of Ballz! 2. A multiplayer Eggit clone. Please, remember to press CTRL+Y at the title screen to see and adjust the controls. Also don't forget to install the Comic6.ttf font, or else you'll get some nasty font problems > this demo has:

- 1 arena: Spiko Forest
- 4 players support
- The Classic game mode

Have fun!

Review This Download (559 kb )

Posted by Shen 29th September, 2002

Nice :)
Posted by -Oka- 29th September, 2002

Pic 2:What is that thing between the blue and the red ball!?
Posted by Gary Hudston 29th September, 2002

I think it's a coin. Extremely cool game with really nice graphics, I'll be sre sure to reveiw it when the full version is released.
Posted by Paolo Victor 29th September, 2002

Thanks for the comments, guys ^^ but... isn't there anything wrong? I mean, a review would be great, because I would detect the errors before creating the next arenas (and save a lot of time ^^''')
Posted by alperoz 29th September, 2002

what is the name of good game? It's ballz2 :) Thanks for making this game Paolo I really enjoy while playing this game there will be ballz3,4,5 I'm sure. In my opinion this must be a classic yeah I'M SERIOUS
Posted by CYS 1st October, 2002

This is wonderful!
Posted by Paolo Victor 6th October, 2002

I've found some bugs (yeah, I'm stupid) in the game and uploaded a fixed version. If you already downloaded it, don't worry, there are just some small graphic corrections (although I haven't figured how to fix the bug with the coin counters yet... ideas?)
Posted by Mitch 6th October, 2002

Real cool.... Like the graphics!!! Like it. Like it. Like it.
Posted by Joao 7th October, 2002

Muito bom master brain =] Rlz tmb os graficos
Posted by Cappy 7th October, 2002

cool character at the first screenshot! what's it's name? ehrr....sorry for the poor english :)
Posted by Alex Scobell 7th October, 2002

Will it be free?
Posted by Paolo Victor 8th October, 2002

GFX: erm... they don't have names ^^'; Sun Fun Dude: Of course it will, why not?
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 10th October, 2002

This game is pretty good.Neat graphics style,but the game didnt keep me very interested.Powerups are sort of boring:(.Would be better with more.AI would be nice because its sometimes hard to play with 1 keyboard and 2 players and some people dont have another person to play with heh.Well good luck on this game.Hope ya finish it ;-):).
Posted by Paolo Victor 10th October, 2002

Derek: I understand... the power-ups can be boring on a two-player game, but imagine the mess that a robber shield would cause on a four-player game: "Oh, SH*T! He's got a robber shield! RUN!!" or how you could steal "that" coin just in the last second and win the game. About the AI, I think it's quite difficult to develop an AI for a eggit-clone... but I'll try to make some nifty 1-player modes and secret games ;) thanks for your comment! :)
Posted by Rik 26th January, 2003

ok.. i made a game called ballz in knp ages ago.. he was a red ball, there was also goo, a green ball, splat, a yellow ball, and morpha, a blue one.....





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