The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Bat And Ball ::. pong adventure

pong adventure
Author: doug Submitted: 12th November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Bat And Ball Downloads: 317

pong adventure is a game where you can have fun for hours with over 20 levels and 4 or 5 diffrent bats and 3 or 4 balls that are all diffrent.

but it was my first game so it is really crap!!

But prepare for the adventure that takes hours if you are crap at pong!

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Posted by royal knight software 12th November, 2002

cool game
Posted by vortex2 12th November, 2002

well, what can i say. you took a very old and used idea, and you put a cool little twist on it. it is better then MOST pong games, simply becuase it is unique. the game play is mostly fun, but i belive with a bit more effort you could of made this game better. some ideas to improve this game: Please please PLEASE! have background, looking at the plain white background gets annoying. have the diffrent paddles have diffrent abilites, such as one paddle can make the ball go faster, or one can hold onto the ball untill space is pushed, or one paddle can light the ball on fire . sometimes you cant die on some of the levels if you lost all of your health, please fix that :). lets see.. have a title screen. change the health things to balls instead of the blue guys. have music please :P , and sound effects when the ball hits the paddle. mabey a help screen , with a story ? some of the levels are WAY to easy to beat, i would have on many of the levels more then one flag or something.
Posted by ruffles 12th November, 2002

erm.. do you use a TGF demo? or why not ask somebody to compile it for you?
Posted by royal knight software 12th November, 2002

i complied it for him and messaged him but he didnt message me back (i complied it in MMF if any1 is wondering)
Posted by doug 13th November, 2002

thx guys but i cant edit it because my games factory dont work and klic and play cant modify it
Posted by Agent.X 13th November, 2002

because you need to register £29 (ok? cousin)
Posted by doug 13th November, 2002

i know adam
Posted by HardshouldeR 14th November, 2002

how old are you doug...
Posted by doug 14th November, 2002

im 13
Posted by Arjan Burggraaf [Eggy] 16th November, 2002

man, this is bad! you have much to learn... a few tips: - make a title screen - don't use a white backdrop, be creative - draw your own GFX - make a help screen - use mods so the music will keep on playing if you go to another frame - read these comments, reviews, tutorials, ask other people for help, etc. Anyway, don't stop making games, even we think it is bad, it's good criticism, because you'll make your next game a better game.
Posted by Agent.X 19th November, 2002

i completed it in 2 min 59 secs (im good BUT crap)
Posted by doug 27th November, 2002

adam stop trying to show off u no the last password.
Posted by Agent.X 20th April, 2004





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